Saturday, February 29, 2020

Tourism and Hospitality Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tourism and Hospitality Research - Essay Example Research help players in the hospitality industry to understand the best ways provide services for customers. Primary research aids in gathering of information used in books and the respective fields across the globe. While the benefits of research are obvious, it is still debatable if there is such a thing as perfect research. Because of the value laden nature of research, subjectivity of facts, and bias of researchers, I agree with Griffith’s assertion â€Å"there is no hope of doing perfect research† (Griffiths, 1998, p97). I argue that despite the absence of perfect research, researchers should be objective, and provide information that is helpful for the tourism industry. Coherent and functional research is achievable through objectivity, respect of rules and ethics and emphasis on validity. 2. My Research Approach: Positive Paradigm For my research, I chose Positivism as my paradigm. The positive paradigm accrues from the ideas of French Philosopher August Comte. Comte observed that observation and reasons are essential to understanding human behavior. He emphasized the role of experience of senses accrued after repeated observation and experiments. Positivist thinkers resonate with Comte’s views because they enhance knowledge acquisition by embodying science as an instrumental tool of research. Determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and generality are key facets of the positive paradigm. Determinism argues that human events are caused by circumstances. Understanding circumstances is, therefore, critical for a substantial research work. Empiricism premises on the use of evidence to support theories. Parsimony implies that explanations for research should be brief and concise (Dash, 2012). Even though positive paradigm has been influential in shaping research, it has been criticized for its lack of acknowledgement for side issues such as subjective state of individuals, the assumption that human nature is passive, and it is under the prer ogative of the external environment (Hossard, 1993). 3. Why Positive Paradigm? Positive paradigm emphasizes objective approach while carrying out research. It also encourages the use of experiments and analysis subject to quantitative and qualitative data. Despite its limitation such as the emphasis on the environment as a key player of occurrences, and the assumption that human nature is passive, positive paradigm provides the best platform upon which a study on tourism and hospitality can be undertaken (Anderson, 1998). I considered the following questions before I chose the positive paradigm as my preferred research method. What are my social phenomena? Is my opinion on tourism and hospitality subjective or objective What are the sources of knowledge for this study? Can more sources be created? What is the relationship between tourism and hospitality and the environment? I realized that positive paradigm provided the best strategy for undertaking this research. First, because the positive paradigm encourages the discovery of new facts dues its objectivity, it creates room for me to inject my personal discoveries. Second, because of tourism and hospitality’s a direct correlation with the environment, I figured that the environment would be an influential player in the research. I also realized that in this industry, key sources of information

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Accounting-Audting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Accounting-Audting - Assignment Example Secondly, the committee has the powers to influence appropriate actions against fraud which aids governance in terms of ethics establishment. Thirdly, they enhance both internal and external audit functions as internal auditors report to them and they have the ability of monitoring external auditors’ activities1. According to ISA (400) the failure of tests of control on the preliminary assessment about control risk has the effect of derailed effectiveness of the specific control, this result into ineffectiveness of the audit conducted according to the audit plan1. There are a variety of the sales system weaknesses derail the sales performance. They include: first; Need for approval, the document and those handling them need to be approved at each stage which has never been the case in this system. Secondly, there is the likelihood that the parties involved in the process may be emotionally involved hence derailing prospective focus that would result into loss of control1. Thirdly, there is self limiting in the manner in which the records of sales are collected and unfairly allocated; this is in the case where the driver handles all the invoices with the management remaining with none. Fourth, the buy cycle is not quite supportive to the sales system since apart from simply making payments of deliveries they do nothing else to support in the audit process therefore the buyers do not at in any way required to support the selling process. Fifth, the sales system in question is quite insensitive to the critical issues that revolve around money wh ether payment or receipt1. Within the entire sales department there is actually non among the salespeople who mentions any issue around budget in terms of whether there is a prospect likely to afford the product offered by John limited or not. The existence for assertion for inventory is verified using numerous processes among which is

Saturday, February 1, 2020

LA---The City that Might Have Been Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

LA---The City that Might Have Been - Essay Example If the project was turned into reality, have it not been for failures in real estate negotiations, the builders would have faced the challenge of really making the building secure and able to stand the atrocious circumstances on the sea brought about by changing seasons. Maintenance would have been a real challenge because keeping such a building that should withstand strong rains, is quite expensive. In addition to the building, there was also a proposal of having a glass-enclosed bridge that connects the building to the shore. This is a really genius plan and the same challenge presented by the building is applicable to the bridge. With such a spectacular proposed building, finances for the maintenance might not be a problem after all because undoubtedly, this project would have attracted people not only around the area but from all over the world. The experience this project offers to highly adventurous customers might have brought good economic opportunities to local and foreign investors not only because of the architectural design but also because of the adventure that people often seek and gladly pay for. The real challenge that developers would have really faced if the project pushed through would be the assurance that the building is a safe place for people to go to. Although engineering and architectural projects showed that it is possible to build strong buildings in the sea as evidenced by several bridge structures which stood strong and destructive waters for decades, the thought of building a place which will constantly house numerous people is quite different to